The European Criminology Group on Atrocity Crimes and Transitional Justice


The European Criminology Group on Atrocity Crimes and Transitional Justice (ECACTJ) provides a network for European criminologists who are engaged in research on atrocity crimes and transitional justice, whether in or on Europe, or globally. It has been established as one of the Working Groups of the European Society of Criminology. The aims of the ECACTJ are to enhance the contribution of criminology and criminologists in this field, to stimulate research in and on Europe and to promote exchange between European and international researchers. The group collaborates with other networks and research groups in the field. The Supranational Criminology Network is represented in the group by its founder, Professor Alette Smeulers, Tilburg University, Netherlands. With its focus on researchers in Europe, it is nonetheless global in its perspectives, and invites researchers to join the group. The group was founded in 2013, and has thrived since then with an increasing membership.